Infinite Wellness


Infinite Wellness

Infinite Wellness

What is Infinite wellness?

There is far more to Infinite wellness than issues relating to your ‘physical’, and even your mental health. Infinite wellness encompasses your whole being. Every facet of your existence as a human being. You will never achieve limitless, bountiful, wellness in a single life-time.

Without going too deeply into all the esoteric aspects of life and reality right now. It’s enough to say that the very reason for your creation in the first place is to eventually achieve Infinite Wellness. Over multiple life-times.

Regardless of your beliefs relating to your Soul’s reincarnation and everlasting journey to ultimate enlightenment – Infinite Wellness. On a more down-to-earth, practical level, wellness. Or the lack of it. Is driven by your personal energetic vibrations. Which in turn are dictated by your mindset.

Answering some of the questions I have been asked, over time will help me explain some important facets of infinite wellness and overall well-being…

Why do I have a hard time experiencing positive emotions?

No one can know your personal mindset, circumstances, situation or psychological issues – that are causing YOUR fear. When it boils down to it, it is fear that is creating your lack of positive emotions.

It really does not matter what other people tell about how they overcame their fear. This will not effect you. It may inspire you for a while and you may get some temporary motivation from it. Essentially though your personal emotional state is unique to you – and your own belief system.

So, the question really is – how do YOU reverse YOUR situation – and start feeling positive emotions more of the time?

I cannot give you a full and comprehensive answer to this within a relatively short answer here…

However, here is a summary of things to consider when setting out to achievie a higher degree of wellness…

  • Everything, EVERYTHING, in existence is basically nothing more than energetic vibrations of varying frequencies. The only physicality in the world is that which is created by our own (limited) perceptions of reality.
  • You are NOT who – or what you think you are. Please believe me.
  • An open-mind – a Free-Mind, is the greatest gift you can have, when facing all the challenges that will inevitably come your way throughout your life.
  • Understand – and embrace the fact that you ARE a ‘Being’ of all possibility.
  • Your life is limited ONLY by your own self-imposed restrictions, or by those you allow to be imposed upon you by others.
  • Mankind IS being controlled, and manipulated, and restricted, and limited, by a ruling cabal of mega-rich, self-appointed, corporate rulers – for their own selfish and demonic agenda. These people (Archon-influenced Beings) are the reason…the ONLY reason the world is in such a mess. Knowing this – and accepting it, is your first step to breaking free of their influence.
  • Nothing in life is easy, in terms of full-filling your true potential. However, if you understand how the ‘Law of Attraction’ really works and embrace all the challenges that come your way, simply as ‘learning experiences’ (because that’s all they really are) you are more likely to find success.
  • If you can approach them in a positive way, all your problems and frustrations are actually leading you towards your success goals, not away from them.
  • A Free-Mind is the GREATEST gift you can have in life. Gaining a Free-Mind is also, for many people, the most difficult thing to obtain – due to indoctrination, mainstream propaganda, ‘group think’ influence, and fear.
  • A Free-Mind is THE essential element needed before you will ever permanently banish negative emotions and responses to everything.
  • Throughout your life you have been continually lead to believe only in what is good for the profits of others – and not what is needed for your own benefit.

I realise everything above needs further explanation to make any sense – IF you want to find out more – start by watching these videos…they WILL help.

I have high expectations from people I am working with but I’m a person with a very mediocre IQ (around 100). I feel desperate. What should I do?

This is a great question – and here is mine…

What is IQ?

Of course, I know what IQ is regarded as – but really, what does it mean…?

There are many, many forms of intelligence. Intelligence can be innate – instinct, intuition etc. It can be learned – education (indoctrination). And it can be gained – experience, responses. Also it can be emotional – often distorted by fear or negativity.

Intelligence quota – is simply an arbitrary measurement based on a whole lot of factors. All related to left-brain cognition, thinking, thought processes. The ability to work things out – logic. An ability of recall (of ‘knowledge’) – facts and figures and whatnot. The ability to organise thoughts – manage – plan – solve.

Infinite wellness requires far more than logic

Flair, enterprise, creativity, originality, out-of-the-box, heart response. (actually more thinking is done with the heart than the brain) empathy.

All higher vibration thoughts are not measured. Or even taken into account when testing the IQ of someone.

Personally I would far rather be down on the IQ scale and have higher right-brain functions, creativity and free thought. Than the other way around.

I could also go into – what actually is knowledge? Which is the main element of IQ measurement… It would take me several pages to fully explain what knowledge is – but here’s the gist…

Common knowledge (information) is created from money!

If you seriously think about it for a moment there really can be no plausible argument against this! Somebody pays the historians, scientists, and reporters to write about events and outcomes. And, of course, these people want only the ‘knowledge’ they have paid for.

Books and articles are published, and publicised, in the mainstream press. Only if they agree with, and do not dispute, this paid-for (controlled) knowledge.

‘Knowledge’ can be highly limiting…

Only the knowledge they want, the knowledge that benefits them, as the controllers, is allowed.

Knowledge that makes you…

  • limited as an individual
  • live in fear (of cancer, or war, or terrorism, or Co-vid 19!).
  • believe you are an insignificant speck in a massive universe.
  • think you are little more than an advanced version of a monkey.

You are constantly fed ‘knowledge’ that makes you easier to control.

And from cradle to grave this (false) knowledge is so consistent and so pervasive that people just accept it without any critical thought of their own…and this is what IQ is measured on…!

I could also talk at length about your needless and irrational fear that is making you desperate, as you inferred in your question.…

But, for now I can absolutely ASSURE you, despite whatever your score is on a (bogus) IQ test. You are likely to be as good at what you do as anyone else – if not better. Because you are NOT hampered by a bucket load of contrived ‘intellectual’ BS knowledge (which is all wrong anyway).

Here is a link to download my book – if you ever get time to read through it. Then with your mind opened- your true (real) Intelligence Quota will knock your co-worker’s IQs out of the ball park.

There is NO ONE on Earth who you should ever consider to be your superior.

It is synchronicity that made you ask this question – and I picked it up…therefore you are already on you way to altering your mindset and personal energies, and becoming a wonderful person to work for. And a supremely clever and astute one!

(Leave the bogus IQ stuff to the self-proclaimed – and delusional nerds…!)

Why is it whenever I decide to do something new I feel scared and my heart beat increases?

Do you you really want to know the answer to your question as you have asked it – or is there a deeper question you need the answer to?

I do not understand how knowing all the physiological, psychological and biological responses your body and mind creates in any given circumstance, will effect your situation. Unless you simply want more information about body and mind functions, for some reason.

Psychology is a VAST subject – that, of course, I cannot go fully into here.

So, I am going to assume that your underlying question here is…

How can YOU do something about your described responses when you are in a stressful situation.

And that is an entirely different question.

Of course, I could give you all the motivating cliches and well-meaning platitudes – and descriptions of how other people have overcome similar situations. But, frankly that will not help YOU.

You maybe be motivated and inspired by other people’s anecdotes of how they faced and overcame their challenges, for a while (short-term fix). Essentially though, your responses to stressful situations are your OWN. And need dealing with by YOU in the long-term.

EVERYONE feels stress – no matter who they are, when facing new, different, outside-their-comfort-zone, challenges and situations. This stress is created by nothing more than fear. Usually it’s the fear of failure (but not always).

This fear is manifested in varying amounts, depending on a myriad of psychological and subconscious variants, and previous experiences. And preconceived ideas, and even the expectation of failure.

It could take you months of therapy to find the exact reasons for your overwhelming fear of new situations.

However, why do you need to know all this? Because to ‘cure’ or, at least mitigate, your fear and tension all you need to do is change your personal negative low vibrations into positive higher vibrations.

Change your mindset to expect success.

If you can change your mindset – so that you expect success, in everything you do rather than failure. You will no longer feel scared, in new situations. Nor will your heart-rate (emotional response) over-power your logic (intended outcome).

I can actually guarantee your personal success in any facet of your life. Including psychological issues…if you REALLY want it.

However do not go into anything half-heartedly because it will always fail if you do. Then you will have even more low self-esteem (fear) issues to deal with.

The first step for a person addicted to alcohol has to take if they ever want to fight the addiction, to be ‘cured’, is to fist admit to themselves that they are alcoholic – and not to keep denying it to themselves. The reality about life is the same – if you want the best out of your life, you first have to admit to yourself that there IS, at least, the possibility that you have been lied to about many ‘facts’ – indeed virtually all (so-called) facts, about your life.

This is what is known as being ‘awake’. Awake to all the falsehoods you have been fed all your life, to limit your own power. To make you infinitely easier to control. To ensure you remain a very profitable slave within the control system.

Being unhealthy, being over-weight, being fearful (of all the shite you are constantly being bombarded with) being stressed, fighting to earn a living, and above all, being limited in your perception of yourself – are all lucrative conditions, that simply perpetuate the endless cycle of control and…ever more profits!

Something is going on…

Recently I experienced (endured) a classic example of a completely obvious falsehood that people have been trained to simply accept without thought. During a flight in an updated version of the Airbus the main screen on the bulkhead in front of me showed a simulation the the airplane’s route flying above the surface of the Earth. The horizon clearly showed the curvature of the ‘planet’ – as it would. However, if anyone cared to actually look out of the window, they would have clearly SEEN that the same horizon was, in fact, perfectly level.

The point is that had I pointed this discrepancy out to anyone, suggesting that it indicated that the Earth is actually flat, they would have ignored the totally obvious visible evidence outside and called ME ‘crazy’ for not believing what was being show on the video screen! Indoctrination – repeating the same lies often enough, is a very powerful control tool. Free yourself from the control system by taking back the power of your own mind.

Regardless of what your own belief-system allows you to believe regarding the shape of Earth, you cannot deny visual perception. Perhaps you believe that Earth is so big that the horizon will always ‘look’ flat. Well that’s okay. But, why then would a video representation of the same horizon be made to appear as a distinct curve? Something is not right here. A deception, one way or the other, is obviously being perpetrated.

Like the alcoholic who eventually realises that the warm fuzzy and hazy feelings brought on by the alcohol are doing him more harm than good, view your belief-system in the same way. The ‘comfortable’ warm and hazy conception that you are only a limited being put in your place in the world, to obey and conform to your ‘betters’ without any responsibility for yourself, is doing you more harm than good.

Unconditional love, bliss and joy, should be our state of being.

Infinite Wellness, as I have talked about in my ‘Personal Success Course’ is simply the manifestation of bliss and joy. Which are states on the exact opposite on the vibration frequency spectrum to fear. These two emotional responses are the extremes of all possible states of being. As human beings we are designed to exist exclusively in, or very near to, the states of bliss and joy. The fact that we all live in, or nearer to, the constant state of fear is testament enough that something has gone wrong. That fear is currently the abiding state for most people is a travesty of divine (Intelligent) creation.

Whatever your belief system will allow you to believe, it surely does not take much thinking to realise that the world as it is IS corrupt, and unfair, and limiting, and is a downright fearful place to live in. Evil forces have taken control of the world and it’s inhabitants.

However, this is only a temporary state of affairs – and one day we will all be living exactly as we were designed to. This might not happen in our current life-time though. Wait…, is this statement a contradiction? How can webe all be living in a state of bliss and joy (unconditional love) if it is going to take more than a life-time to achieve? We will be gone by the time it happens.

Think a moment about the incredible amount of ‘unfairness’ in life. How unfair is it that one person might be born into a world of comfort and love, while another is born into a life of torment and fear. One person has to beg on the streets for mere survival, while another has more wealth, and possessions, than he could ever use.

Can you really believe this is just an accident of birth? Bad luck – or good luck?

There is nothing random in Nature, in Intelligent Design (God). Everyone has to get to experience all facets of life, good and bad, being a winner and a loser, at one time or another. This is the whole point of ‘life’ – it is just a vehicle to experience (and develop from) the vast range of energetic frequencies.

To me, this explains (in basic terms) the very nature of existence.

There is no unfairness, Unfairness (randomness) – cannot be created by Nature, Intelligent Design, God. No one, no entity, no thing, no power, could arbitrarily chose between individuals having a comfortable journey through a single life or those having to continually struggle to get through it. To me, this would be ‘luck’ beyond imagination, Simply impossible to conceive.

And, of course, this ‘proves’ beyond doubt the fact of reincarnation. The opportunity for each and every ‘person’, entity, who has ever lived to gain experience (development) from every energetic frequency there is, and to eventually experience the very state of being (unconditional love) that we were actually made for.

I would go as far as to suggest – it takes a very, very manipulated and indoctrinated mind to create any argument against this self-evident situation. Can ‘science’ prove that reincarnation happens? – Of course not. But, what is science, except a highly-controlled, manipulated and paid-for tool used for the convenient explanations of circumstances, in a way favourable to the people paying for it?

Mainstream science involves coming up with a theory and then trying to find, or concocting, evidence to prove the theory. Rather than finding evidence first and then trying to create a theory to match the evidence. A huge difference – if the search for true knowledge is the real criteria.

That reincarnation happens is beyond doubt in my mind.

How reincarnation actually works is open to speculation. Due to the make-up of a human being’s Spirit. Soul, Life-force (energetic frequencies) it is not possible, as some religions or cultures believe, for a human being to reincarnate as an animal – or in any lower life-form. Once the Spirit of a human being, always the Spirit of a human being.

Many people believe that Karma has a huge impact in a person’s subsequent life. That a person’s life is judged. If someone has lived a life of corruption, avarice, total lack of empathy towards others, for example, their next life will reflect this – they may come back as a beggar and have to rely on the empathy of others to ‘balance-the-account’. Other people believe that the more Karma you earn in a well-lived life, the more choice you have in what you want to experience in your next life.

Of course, all these postulations regarding Karma is only conjecture– but, that Karma, ultimate fairness, is a contributing factor in all life is far more likely than not. Karma is simply the necessary balance, the ‘fairness’ in the great scheme of things.

From the 3D point-of-view of a human being’s existence being the result of a freak accident of ‘science’ and then gradually evolving from lower life-forms; tadpoles, beetles, lizards, monkeys – or whatever you have been lead to believe, reincarnation, endless lives, the universal law, and Karma – and indeed Intelligent Design (energy vibrations) must seem outrageous and bizarre concepts – the conspiracy theories of the crazy people.

But, to be told, and to believe, we are merely lucky (or unlucky) single-life physical entities descended from swamp dwelling, single-cell ‘things’, without a shred of real evidence to prove this, is surely far more crazy…!?

To believe that life on Earth was purely accidental – would suggest a belief that everything in life is also accidental – the result of luck – good and bad. Which surely then leads to the belief, you have no power or control over your life – it is what it is and that’s all there is to it. And there you are – the perfect and ideal mind-manipulated and easily pliable slave for the than that? And, of course you are. Your personal success in anything system.

Surely you want to be a being who does not simply rely on luck (good or bad). Yes, you have to fight against the system that has been put in place to make your personal success less than easy, but, in the end your experience of life is what you make it…starting in your mind!

There are many degrees of being ‘awake’ – realising that something is not quite right about the world (it is obviously in a total mess) is the first. Being ‘awakened’ is like a snowball rolling down a hill collecting ever more snow as it continues on it’s journey.

Once you start ‘rolling’ towards more enlightenment, you will start collecting ever more information, that suddenly becomes more meaningful and important, whereas before you would have ignored it. Synchronicity (not luck) will begin to attract more knowledge to you – and as you begin to pursue the truth, the truth will start to pursue you.

No one – not a single person, has all the answers to reality

because knowledge is fluid, it changes depending on perception.

Knowledge is energy – just as everything else is, it cannot be fixed into a single construct – the energetic frequencies are open to interpretation. If a person believes strongly enough that Earth is a globe floating in endless space – it will be to them. In the same way that Earth is flat to other people. The human senses are currently too limited and inadequate to conceive (perceive) all the vast electrical information we are surrounded by.

But, by connecting dots (snippets of information) together, a clearer picture about true reality begins to emerge from the electrical frequency haze. Of course it will not be the ultimate truth – to find that will take an eternity. But, the deeper into the ‘rabbit hole’ you are lead, and follow (with an open mind) the more truth you will see.

The truth will set you free

– is a very profound statement, that has a very deep meaning. Without the real truth (truth is a relative concept so, let’s say SOME real truth) you will always be a victim of the system. The control system is far too entrenched in the minds of far too many people, to allow escape from it totally. However, armed with some truth, and a free-mind you can rise above a lot of this control.

With whatever degree of freedom from the control system you can achieve, you WILL lose the corresponding degree of fear of it. And the energetic vibrations of your being will also rise correspondingly as you lose your fear. You will become a less dense entity.

Eventually, as you gain ever more knowledge about who and what you really are – and lose ever more fear from your life, your higher vibrations will continue to rise, to the point that will lead to significant, or even major changes in your being.

You will begin to live some of your life in a higher dimension (higher vibrations). Yes, from a ‘physical’, everyday, stand-point you will still be stuck in the corrupted 3D world, along with everyone else – but, with your reduced fear and anxiety many of the things that effect other people, will simply pass you by. And your personal success (in whatever) will be greatly enhanced.

What does this mean – living in a higher dimension?

Being aware – is the answer to that question, being ‘awakened’. initially seeing and understanding the fundamentals about life on Earth and the reality of creation, is the first step. This step will inevitably lead to spiritual freedom. Freedom to set your own path – without being manipulated and influenced too much by social, peer and ‘authority’ pressures.

Once this step has been achieved you will have a totally open and enquiring mind.

And you will begin to seek (pursue) ever more hidden truths. And once you are on this path, you will find that these hidden truths will come to you (they will pursue you) without you having to make too much effort.

Eventually you will become instinctively aware of everything that has been, and is being, deliberately created to disrupt and distort your natural human beingness. When you reach this state your energetic vibrations will be higher, much higher, than the ones you are surrounded by. You will feel you are ‘above’ other people who have yet to achieve the same state. By ‘above’ I do not mean you feel superior – but simply you feel you exist in a different reality.

Which, of course you do. By ‘being aware’ for example you will be less effected by the ever evolving toxic brew of the Chemtrails. Your higher vibrations will reduce the amount of micro organisms and metals you ingest from them. The constant electro-magnetic ‘soup’ from Wi Fi, and mobile phones, and cell towers, and wireless everything will have slightly less disruption on your brain waves and on your other natural electrical functions.

You will be aware that most (every?) major ‘Terrorist’ incident, or major ‘accident’ or riot, or war, or pandemic, has been deliberately created to instil fear – as a control mechanism, and you will not despair at the apparent malefic nature of mankind. You will be aware that ignorance (unknowing) is the only thing separating us from the Utopia we should all be living in.

Your awareness will allow you to think more critically about everything – and make it easier to solve problems, and react in a more positive manner to unfavourable circumstance.

The vibrations of the food you consume will be naturally higher and therefore your health will improve. You will no longer fear death or disease, and knowing who and what you are will fast-track your Soul’s (your) journey to the next level of enlightenment. The people who do not ‘awaken’ during this life, will have to keep ‘re-living’ more 3D lives until they eventually do.

However, as beneficial as it is to your health, outlook and general well-being, living in a higher vibration dimension, does have disadvantages as well.

Your ‘reality’ – the reality you perceive, will be far removed from those around you who will still be thinking in terms of 3D limited and controlled ‘physicality’. You will be the one who is perceived as crazy, different, not normal . And, of course this will appear to be right – because you are certainly in the tiny minority of people.

Despite your knowing and further understanding you will still have to exist in the dense 3D world, and be confronted by all the shite that is going on here. It is quite a responsibility to be one of the ‘hundred monkeys’ and being a part of the movement that WILL (eventually) bring positive change to the world.

They say ignorance is bliss – and maybe in many cases concerning being ‘awakened’ this might appear to be the case. Looking back, your life of ignorance before being awakened will often seem easier and more comfortable, with less responsibility for your own actions. You just followed the flow, always thinking; ‘well what can I do about anything?

It’s just the way it is’. Being ‘awake’ brings with it responsibility and obligation. You become a part of the solution, instead of being an ignorant victim of (and perpetuate) the problem.

But, whoever you are it is your destiny, in one life or another, to reach the next level of enlightenment. For those who achieve it in this life-time your next life, the next part of ‘your’ journey, will be better for it.

What can bring on the ultimate high vibration state of bliss and joy – beyond the more achievable happiness and contentment – which we should all be striving for? Few people will reach this state, in their current life-time. It is virtually impossible for complete bliss and joy to exist in a world that has been so badly affected – infected, with evil and corruption. However, to achieve this state, even fleetingly, should be everyone’s ultimate success goal.

A total disconnection from the 3D reality we exist in – is the ONLY way to achieve complete bliss and joy.

To achieve this disconnection often requires the help of mind-altering substances – for example cannabis. Some fortunate, very enlightened people, Buddhist monks for example, can reach high levels of bliss and spiritual elation through concentrated thought and focus – meditation. Is it achievable by ‘ordinary’ folk?

(There is no such thing as ordinary people – every single individual on Earth is extra-ordinary! But, they simply don’t know they are…yet!)

No. There is NO way at all that anyone who has not been awakened will ever gain anything more than their perceived ‘happiness’. A contentment – relative only to their circumstances.

If achieving the very highest state for a human being at this stage of our spiritual evolution, is your personal success goal can I help you to achieve it? What would give me the necessary qualifications if I claimed; yes I can. Have I ever experienced it? No. But most tennis coaches (for example) have never won Wimbledon – but, some have trained others to win the championships.

I have been far too abused by self-ingested chemicals and poisons (manufactured food and doctored water) over the past 50 plus years to re-awaken my pineal gland. I have been too often a victim of corruption and avarice and the evil that pervades our every waking hour on Earth. After the lows I have endured (like most others) a little bit of peace-of-mind would be the equivalent of bliss for me.

However, I know the theory and the process required. Just like I could teach all the tennis shots to someone, but nowadays, I couldn’t actually play the game (due to physical disabilities – my locked-up knee). So, it would be great to work with someone who is really…REALLY determined to try…not try, but to succeed in entering a state of complete bliss and awareness.

The work required though would be the equivalent of starting from scratch and winning an Olympic gold medal…Unless you are fully ‘awake’ already and in an in-corrupted mental state, then you will have slightly less work to do… Any takers…?

Everyone – everyone, who has ever ‘lived’ – played the game of life, will eventually reach the state of pure bliss – where nothing matters except unconditional love – everything thing else would be just an illusion. Everything else IS just illusion, but we cannot fully comprehend this yet.


In summary I would say that, in my view, Infinite Wellness is not currently achievable – by anyone! However, we are ALL on the path to infinite wellness. So, let’s call it ‘Integrated Wellness’. This is a state where your emotions are in complete synch with your mindset. Your mind is open, and fear is not your over-riding emotion. Remember each drives the other.

  • As you get older – maturity (growth, development) does not signal getting towards the end of life, but, it is – the final stage before starting a new one. Maturity, with the right mind-set – a free mind (if you ever achieve it) is the optimal time of life. It should be faced without fear. Fear of ill-health and fear of ‘death’. Most health issues can be cured, or at least, be mitigated by diet and life-style – and medical doctors are not always the answer (are hardly ever the answer I would say) to health problems. And why fear ‘death’ – as if it is the end of your life, the end, for you of everything? It isn’t. It simply the end of one ‘life’ experience.
  • Some people will not achieve maturity in their current life – either in terms of age, or getting to know themselves properly. This simply means they will have another opportunity to do this in another life experience. An early demise – any demise (passing on) is sad for the people left behind, but for the person who ‘dies’ it is a wondrous experience – and a new beginning.
  • There is a vast amount of information Online about the reality of ‘death’. Of course it is all speculation and conjecture, however, that ‘life’ in one form or another, exists after ‘death’ cannot be argued against – when taking into consideration the true nature of energetic reality.
  • My personal belief, after all the research and study I have engaged in looking deeply into this aspect of reality, is that the human Soul, Spirit, Life-force (energy that cannot be destroyed) is subject to Karma after passing on. Then there is a ‘time’ spent in paradise, heaven, nirvana, call it what you will (there is no such thing as Hell) where you experience the highest frequency vibrations (of bliss and joy) before choosing your next life experience – subject to the judgment of Karma.
  • * Hell is a negative low, vibration concept. It can only exist in a dense third dimension ruled by fear. It CANNOT exist in the higher vibrations of the after-life. The very idea of ‘Hell’ is merely a control mechanism (fear).
  • Reality is a perception conceived in the mind and heart. Reality, however someone might explain it in complex metaphysical or philosophical, or biological, or religious, or energetic, terms, is nothing more than a person’s belief-system. My reality is very different from that of most other people – and theirs is different to others and so on. If a person cannot get past his/her physical 3D ‘what you see is all there is’ view of reality…then that becomes their reality – no matter what others might say. And who am I to judge that?
  • To my free mind (I think carefully and critically about all information that comes my way, and I consider all possibilities) ‘Reality’ is far more than a world full of corruption, and hate, and fear, of ‘luck’ and randomness, and created pandemics. It is a wondrous place of infinite possibility. But, that has currently been hi-jacked – and is controlled, by evil. However, I am able to rise above most of this evil and I get less effected by it than most. Such is the power of a free mind. That covid 19, and all that, was a 100% planned event for control purposes, will come to light one day. (Possibly even in the near future.)
  • Of course most people who achieve personal success in their lives, do it without this knowledge that I present here. That has been their destiny – and maybe they were lead towards it by reading motivational or how-to-get-rich books, or the right people came into their lives at the right time and had an impact upon their success journey. However, I would suggest being ‘awake’ (knowing this information) will help you on your journey to success and greatly enhance the success you finally achieve.

Reaching maturity in age as well as growth (development) should be the most exciting part of life – and will be if you are ‘awake’. Unfortunately too many people spend their final years on Earth mentally and physically incapacitated, or in bad health – and in fear of impending ‘death’.

A healthy diet and some self-control regarding bad-for-you habits, will mitigate most age related issues, and ‘death’ (passing on) should be something to look forward to, not dreaded.


Life is NOT a random one-time event – it simply cannot be. The very laws of physics regarding energy tells us this – if they are interpreted properly. Your existence on Earth is also NOT just a billions-to-one lucky chemical and evolutionary accident. Think (carefully) about this for a moment and it becomes impossible to even imagine that such a wondrous Being as a human being is the development from a single-cell – the same single-cell that supposedly also spawned a dung beetle and a jelly fish…and every other form of moving life???

This is just imaginative and childish rubbish to make you think you are an insignificant physical entity with a one-shot at a shit life (it is shit for most people) and to make you easy prey for manipulation and indoctrination. And then to make you a slave to earn money (paying taxes for everything) for the very people who are perpetuating the falsehoods of the limitations they have imposed upon you.

Once you can see through this rubbish and you finally understand that you can ONLY exist as an energetic entity (otherwise how can you only interact with the world using five electrical, energetic, vibrational senses?) Which makes you an eternal Being of all possibility. Capable of achieving anything you want over an infinite number of lives.

The question I am most asked by doubters about reincarnation is; how come nobody ever remembers who they were in a past life? (I admit I don’t).

My take on this is that you do remember every life you have ever lived, when you have passed on and you – your energetic spirit, your Soul, is on the other side of the ‘veil’ (in Heaven, if you like). But, fully remembering past lives during a new life could be a traumatic and disorienting experience for most people, particularly if their previous ‘learning experience’ (life) was particularly dramatic in any way.

Fleeting memories of a previous life happen all the time of course and this is often referred to as Deja vu. Also it is possible to recall a past life in more detail by undergoing ‘past-life regressive hypnosis’.

If anyone stops and gives themselves the time, to consider and really think about their lives, they will realise instinctively that something IS wrong with the world (many things in fact). The fundamental unfairness that prevails in everything is just not right. But few will make the effort – or have the opportunity, to understand why this is.

However, with some ‘dot-connecting’ – realising something and using that knowledge to understand other things, only one conclusion about the vast inequity and injustice of ‘life’ can be reached…it is a necessity! Life is meant, designedto be unfair. And the only way that such a conclusion can be justified is by the fact that everything IS fair – over a protracted period of time; many life times. Disadvantage in one life will lead to advantage in another. These are the necessary learning experiences we are all designed to have that balance out in the end.

Of course this is not to say that nothing can be done about whatever challenges and disadvantages you have been lumbered with this time around. You can just accept them and make do with what you have been dealt with. But, equally you not have to meekly accept whatever is happening to you.

You have the power to change anything, everything, about your life. And by achieving personal success and then working together spreading the word about it you also have the power to change many other people’s lives – and indeed have the power to change the world.

To free ourselves from the demonic evil that is currently blighting and limiting our true potential as human beings and to live eternally in harmony with nature and each other is our ultimate personal success…

If you have any comments or criticism, or want further information, or need specific help in anything, please feel free to contact me directly.

Infinite Wellness is a journey, not a destination…

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